There are four photos on this page:
1. Hatchling Barn Swallows
2. Barn Swallow, mid-nestling
3. Late nestling Barn Swallows
4. Barn Swallows,
fledglings ready for release
These graceful aerial insectivores are in the Swallow family
and related to Purple Martins and Tree Swallows. They are known
for their forked tails and their custom of nesting in barns.
Like all insectivores, they help us by consuming an enormous
quantity of bugs. They are communal, and only have one or two
broods a summer. Barn Swallows migrate to South America for the
These young birds were brought to us when a barn cat killed
both parents. They flourished, and were eventually released into
a colony of wild Barn Swallows.