The place for wild birds.

There are four photos on this page:

1. Chipping Sparrow, mid-nestling

Chipping Sparrow, mid-nestling.

2. Chipping Sparrow, late nestling

Chipping Sparrow, late nestling

3. Chipping Sparrow, fledgling

Chipping Sparrow, fledgling.

Chipping Sparrow's Nest, 3½" (8.89 cm) wide by 2" (5.08 cm) tall.The Chipping Sparrow is a small native bird that is a member of the Sparrow family. It eats weed seeds and insects and typically lines its tiny nest with animal hair. Nestling Chipping Sparrows have an insistent (and constant) food begging call! Adults are fairly tame and tolerant of humans. They have been known to sing at night.

This nestling was brought to us when the nest was disturbed by a Crow. It thrived and was ultimately released back to the wild.

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This website and all its contents belong to The Place for Wild Birds, Inc.
Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved. Reproduce only with permission.
All photographs by Walter S. Bezaniuk. Most illustrations by Kathleen Frisbie.
Site design and some illustrations by Sara.