The place for wild birds.

There are five photos on this page:

1. Carolina Wren, early nestling

Carolina Wren, early nestling.

2. Carolina Wren, mid-nestling

Carolina Wren, mid-nestling.

3. Carolina Wren, late nestling

Carolina Wren, late nestling.

4. Carolina Wren, fledgling

Carolina Wren, fledgling.

5. Carolina Wren,
fledgling (front view)

Carolina Wren, fledgling (front view).

A member of the Wren family, this small and extremely active bird has a long thin beak for eating bugs. Carolina Wrens have a habit of keeping their tails help up at a perky angle. These quick little birds also have a characteristic white eye stripe. Carolina Wrens will nest in cavities, on building rafters, as well in trees. They have been known to build their grassy nests in such odd places as unused canoes and the pockets of clothing!

This Carolina Wren was one of three that was orphaned when a cat killed their parents. They came to us in a very weakened condition, but all three were saved and released back into the wild as healthy young birds.

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This website and all its contents belong to The Place for Wild Birds, Inc.
Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved. Reproduce only with permission.
All photographs by Walter S. Bezaniuk. Most illustrations by Kathleen Frisbie.
Site design and some illustrations by Sara.